In this tough world and where almost all people are struggling to cope with every day expenses and bad situations a good idea and an opinion is always welcomed from the wise ones !!
Start a blog or online business
Take part in surveys to make some extra money per survey filled
Get a free gift card, search and collect for use when in need
Watch movie previews, YouTube, and like videos- many sites offer that - do a search online
Become a freelancer or freelance writer- if you have a little talent is time to use it .
Advertise and sell second hand items you do not use anymore
Rent your parking space
Rent your automobile
Rent your expensive clothes online
Rent your bike, cycle, snow sports, or any other gear .
Rent your space , a room at home for gatherings or parties
Assist others with improving their resume
Manage social media accounts for others - especially for business that do not have that spare time to look for it
House sit kids pets, old, disabled people, and other
Sell items on eBay
Sell your gift cards
Receive bonuses and rewards for using a credit card
Travel the world and be an au pair
Make your money work harder - higher interest .
Transfer credit card debts to offers with zero or lower interest with other bank institutions
Cook for others at special prices and delivery if possible